Saturday, September 11, 2010


O.K. Let me explain this one. The dream I had was of my wife's ex boyfriend was walking down the street I lived on. The bizarre part was that he had four arms.

I would have drawn just that, but I have this thing about being thought of unoriginal. I felt if I drew up my dream and claimed it as something I thought of myself. I would immediately be called a liar.
There already was a well know character with four arms

I am quite a Mortal Kombat fan. So, I was well aware of who Goro was. The last thing I wanted was some guff from the guys I admire plus I modeled my art style from John Tobias

So instead of doing my own four armed character, I simply did "fan" art of Goro.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Margaret Cho

Part two of my none nude Asian fest. Two naked Asian girls running around hiding from there father and trying to get me to sleep with them was no a marketable drawing. So I opted to draw two of the most attractive Asian celebrities (in my opinion).

My second pick was Margaret Cho. Ive always liked her although many people shunned her for her weight. But if you know me, You would know that I'm far from shallow. She has long since overcame that issue and has since acquired  some tattoos. Which this particular drawing was the first time I actually spent some time on someone's ink. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lucy Liu

This beauty was derived from a dream I had where I was being seduced  by two nude Asian women. Contrary to what it seems, nude portraits are not very marketable so I try to refrain from doing nudity unless it is requested. It also keeps my wife from decapitating me.

 Instead of drawing two nude Asians, I chose to draw two  portraits of a celebrity of Asian decent. I compiled a short list and picked the two. One being Lucy Liu. My wife finds her unattractive, but I seem to think she is very beautiful. After all she is half Irish.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The final piece of Montana art (for now) was of the Fort Benton folk hero Shep
Shep was the name given to a herding dog that appeared at the Great Northern Railway station one day in 1936 in Fort Benton, Montana. The dog first appeared at the station when a casket was being loaded on a train heading to the eastern USA. When the train left, the dog kept coming back to the station for every incoming train after that.

This wasn't my greatest drawing. It was a bit difficult to draw due my references where only thumbnails.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Historic Square Butte Jail

One of the population's attractions the Square Butte jail. It was next on my Geraldine to do list.

You would of thought I drawn this poorly, but no. The jail Actually looks like this. I believe they built the jail out of some sort of granite. Yes, I do intend on coloring this although It would apper that not much color will be needed. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

REQUEST: The Undertaker II

My roommate is a die hard Undertaker fan and this is the second drawing I have done for her tat depicts him.
This was during Undertaker's "American Bad-ass" biker gimmick. between 2000 and 2003


When learn about what appeals to Geraldine artistically, I learn that most of the population's hobbies where hunting. The animals I hear about the most are Elk and Deer
One of my roommates has a subscription to the hunting magazine, "Field and stream". When he was finished with the magazine I had clipped out the page that had this full page buck. During the process of drawing this, My roommate had informed my that I was drawing a trophy class buck due to the amount of horns on the deer. This will eventually be colored.