Friday, October 29, 2010


One of the first drawings I did after high school. Of course like any 18 year old male.I did want to just draw any o female. Thats when I would try to pay attention to what my younger brother hated. My younger brother has always been concerned about tying to fit in to the popular crowd. He jumped into a local trend of never date anyone in your own race. So he distanced himself from white women. So I I knew the majority of the women I would draw would be white. Then I overheard a comment my brother made about women who dye there hair wild colors,  pierce  there face and get tattoos where no more than freaks of nature. Ironicly, I was really into girls like that. So that what I would draw. I would continue to draw for the next 5 years. in various types. Portraits and nudes.

The source photo for this particular drawing was quite small. But I have to say there was quite an a improvement from the original drawing

Thursday, October 21, 2010


This was another one of those photos that I randomly picked to to draw in mid 2003. When I recently redrew and colored this I noticed that this drawing reminded me of a dear friend's son Tristan. Other than this there wasn't really any other back story to this drawing.

If anyone can come up with a title for this, by all means let me know.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Seen it all

One of the first portraits I did after I had started dating my wife in 2003. The deal was to continue to draw, just no more nude portraits that I have been used doing in the last 5 years. So I just grabbed a mountain of random stock photos the first being...

When I look back, I find this drawing interesting because about three years prior to drawing this, I was studying witchcraft . My teacher at the time had asked me to look into my hands when I was asleep and was aware that I was dreaming. When this happen not only did I look at my hands. I was also in front of a mirror and looked at my face. My face in the dream was not from what this face looks like.

Other that relating this to my dream, when I see this face, I see a man who has probably been through a lot and has seen it a lot. He is probably a fountain of information.

The sad thing is that I'm sure a lot of younger people would see this and just see a dirty, old, ugly man.

I noticed still that the hardest part of drawing older people is the grey hair. You can obviously tell that after seven years I'm still struggling with that detail

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Digging up the past.

If you didn't notice I have not been posting any new entries for the past month. That's because I have had my head clouded by all sorts of things mainly thinking about my daughter who will be born next month. Even mentioning it now, has me excited to the point of tears. Happy ones.

I also came across an old Deviantart account that has really old artwork of mine. For some reason the link is broken. Otherwise Id post the link for you all to look for yourself. If you can just look up LordoftheLost. I think that I have not used that account in so long that I need to re-confirm the E-mail I used. Well, the plan is to take all that stuff re draw them now that I have drastically improved. Some of them I will even color.

I have three categories for them
1. 1998-2003: All the stuff I did immediately after High School. Which are of pinup girls some of them even are nudes. Originally the intention was to study the female form because I couldn't draw women for the life of me. Then it became the only thing I was drawing. All my male friends where interested. Then it just became a habitual subject to draw. I guess that is what happens when your 18 your trying to appeal to yourself or the demographic of lonely guys.
2. 2003-2010 When my wife and I finally got together, She asked that I draw no more naked ladies, or at least don't get stock subjects from the internet. So I decided to just stop drawing then all together. I just grabbed whatever for subjects and it gave me the opportunity to study other things.
3.2003-current. Thing that I have done since I have moved to Montana. The direction I went since moving has drastically changed. I will like have these done when I take a break from redrawing the old stuff.
In between the first two I did some mock comic book covers for my comic book "I am Grimm" When I moved to Montana, I scrapped doing the cover art for a book that had no direction.

So, Soon I will be putting up new stuff from the past. Hope you all enjoy.